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President’s word

Subject: 8th SMOC SO 2022 congress

Dear friends, dear sisters, dear colleagues,

The Moroccan society of contactological ophthalmologists and ocular surface SMOC SO is pleased to announce the holding of its 8th annual congress under the aegis of the SMO on February 9 and 10, 2022 at the Hyatt REGENCY hotel in Casablanca.

This year our congress will focus on myopia, the corneal surface and the excimer laser. During this event, other topics such as adaptation of keratoconus, adaptation of presbyopia, dry eye, keratitis and explorations of the anterior segment will be addressed in the form of symposia, conferences, workshops and clinical cases.

Given the exceptional circumstances linked to covid-19, the congress will be organized as a hybrid (face-to-face for national ophthalmologists and for certain international speakers and remote for international speakers depending on the opening of borders on January 31, 2022).

We will keep you informed according to health developments in our country and internationally.

We are counting on your presence and participation to make our congress a scientific event rich in exchanges.

Best regards